100 Stories

Lee Foote
1 min readAug 19, 2021

When Covid arrived I made a general goal to move 100 stories onto Medium. Some were just scraps and paragraphs, some were un-edited journal entries, some were complete essays, and some were a series of photographs with some notes tacked on. This was the scrapbooking effort of a grown man who was in the middle of retiring, moving to British Columbia, and facing down a pandemic with a lot of time and a reduced roster of outdoor activities. It was a good time to reflect, write, re-write, and Medium provided a simple venue to put this stuff up for friends and family.

Those who followed along for some or all, those who clapped, or commented, or sent me emails saying I had offencified one or another of the gods of grammar— thanks for noticing and sharing your thoughts.

Here at 100 I will probably slow down some (there is some contract writing interfering with this fun stuff) but I won’t quit so check in occasionally or go back and mine some of the pieces you haven’t seen before.

Again, thanks for coming along.




Lee Foote

Southerner by birth, Northerner by choice, Casual person by nature.