Thundering Tom’s SalvationWe never knew where he came from, a muscular bronzed specimen of wild turkey who took up residence with our yard birds of two skinny white…Jan 30Jan 30
When the Truth is inadequate; Queue the Practical Jokes!I am not a liar by nature. However, I was raised in the deepest of the Deep South tradition where tall tales were welcomed, not…Dec 17, 2024Dec 17, 2024
Me and Taylor SwiftThis weekend in Vancouver, Canada, Taylor Swift will take the stage and receive the adoring gaze of 160,000 ticket holders each willing to…Dec 5, 2024Dec 5, 2024
Horns of a DilemmaMaybe the Greeks and Romans were onto some things related to nature, wildlife and hunting with their statues and stories. We were agog as…Oct 30, 2024Oct 30, 2024
Succulence and a Bad Blackberry HankeringUnbidden but prolific. Beloved but exotic nuisance. Sweet and flavorful but armed with blood-creasing spines. Blackberries are a lot like…Sep 5, 2024Sep 5, 2024
Cow-eye and the Currently Married FirewooderHello dear friend. Thank you for your kind invitation to visit your pine bowered cabin by the beautiful Kootnay River. It will take some…Jul 4, 2024Jul 4, 2024
Scent of a DogNo, I don’t mean bloodhounds or drug-sniffing dogs abilities here, I mean WHAT THE HELL DOES YOUR DOG SMELL LIKE? The correct answer here…May 30, 2024May 30, 2024
Magical Louisiana SwamplandsThe quality of the light touches something deep inside; powdery blue-gray coming from above, sides, and reflected below. The bottomlands…Mar 18, 20241Mar 18, 20241
Squirrel Stew . . . Really?First, live out in the country where invasive, exotic gray squirrels are abundant, a nuisance, and where a pellet gun raises no eyebrows.Dec 16, 2023Dec 16, 2023
To Cook a PigYes, there is something very carnal about the photo above, shockingly so. It almost deserves a thong on there and what is with that little…Dec 15, 2023Dec 15, 2023